It’s not ALL about me

Hi there! Thank you for your interest in me and my art!

I started sewing when I was about 9 or 10. My mom, who did not sew, bought a Kenmore sewing machine and it was very intriguing to me. I remember reading the manual to figure out how to thread the machine and wind a bobbin. I have no idea what my first project was, but I am sure it involved something for Barbie! Soon after, my mom enrolled me sewing classes.

I was hooked and loved sewing so much, I majored in Home Economics Education in college. (During student teaching, I realized I was not teacher material, but that is a different story.)

My journey into quilting began when my mother-in-law, Elsie Garner, took a class and thought it might be something I’d like to try. I found a local quilt shop offering a beginner class that I was able to take during spring break in grad school. (No MTV parties on the beach for me.) It is white on white and all hand stitched.

I was obsessed with quilting, but when kids and a career came along, I wanted more portable projects and turned to knitting. I even became a master knitter. (Yes, that’s a thing!)

Over 10 years ago, I returned to my passion and continue to be obsessed with all things quilty, especially modern quilts! At the beginning of COVID, I discovered improv quilting and for the first time realized I was an artist - - improv quilting made my heart soar. I was free from quilt patterns and loved to intuitively create beautiful (and sometimes fun) works of art.

I find it a little ironic that once I was free from quilt patterns, I became a pattern designer. But traditional quilt blocks with a modern twist, still hold a special place in my heart and I soon began experimenting with them. Find my patterns here.

On a personal note, family is what it is really all about. I’ve been married to Brian for over 40 years. (I was a child bride.) I am a mother to a beautiful daughter, creative son-in-law, and adventurous son. I am grandmother to the world’s most perfect child and my right-hand dude in my studio. They are what truly inspires me every day.